The Link



The Link is located at 5 Mayburn Walk Loanhead. The opportunity arose for the LASC, along with other interested parties to take over the Kabin in Loanhead. This involved a selection process, and we were delighted when the Big Lottery chose the LASC in December 2017. It was re-named The Link thereafter giving it a new name and a fresh start.

We facilitate a wide of range classes, activities and events within the building including Jo Jingles, Baby Sensory, Juno and Claire Houston Baby Massage, as well as indoor and outdoor classes run by Growing families. We also encompass evening classes and groups including Pilates, Burlesque and Craft and Chat. See our Facebook page to find out what’s on or email us at for more information.

If you would like to run your class at The Link,  please email for information and prices.

Parties at The Link – We have self-catering party packages available on Saturday and Sunday. Choose an exclusive use soft play birthday party or hire one of our multi-purpose rooms. Room Hire 3.30pm-5.30pm for all packages. The party time is 3.45pm-5.15pm allowing 15 minutes either side to set up and tidy away

Email for more information and prices.

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