
LASC Childcare Services have received funding from the following companies/organisations:

The Big Lottery to support the development of Link and management of the Centres services

The Robertson Trust supports us with the gardeners post with the development of the Link Community Garden

Garfield Weston supported the extensions and refurbishment of the Link

Tyne Esk LEADER supported the extension and refurbishment of the Rosewell Pavilion.

Midlothian Council Early Years Capital Fund supported the extension or the Rosewell Nursery at the Rosewell Pavilion.

FareShare suppling breakfast cereals and fruit and veg supplies.

Midlothian Social Work Dept funding to support 16 free breakfast club placements for the most disadvantage children in our community.

Better Breaks funding towards trips and resources for our ASN Saturday Services and holiday club.

How you can help LASC Fundraise More….

Raise funds when shopping online

Support LASC Childcare Services for free when shopping online with over 600 popular retailers, including Argos, NEXT, M&S, John Lewis, The Body Shop, Interflora, Sainsbury’s and many more. provide a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for any charity, good cause or group you choose to support. You still shop directly with each retailer as you would normally, but simply by using the links from the site first each retailer will make a cashback donation to Loanhead After School Club.

You can shop with 400+ Brand Name retailers and to raise funds you just use the links from our site first – it’s that simple!

If you already shop online, why not help good causes at no extra cost from purchases you would make anyway.

Amazon Smile

Shop on AmazonSmile at and Amazon donates to LASC Childcare Services LTD for fee. AmazonSmile is also available in the Amazon Shopping App to all AmazonSmile customers using supported android devices.

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