After School Club

The LASC are run by an enthusiastic team of qualified and/or experienced play workers. They are supervised by the Project Manager and Play Leaders who are the first point of contact for parents and carers. They are responsible to the management committee for the day to day organization of the Project. Our team are all checked through the CRBS PVG process every 3 years.

Care, Learning and Play

The programme of activities and the atmosphere at LASC aims to promote and encourage confidence, independence and enjoyment. Our primary goal is to encourage children to develop their emotional, social, cognitive, interpersonal and physical skills, and their desire to explore, discover and be creative. We will provide play opportunities which reflect different cultures and values.

The LASC will provide a well-planned and organised play environment that offers children rich and stimulating experiences, alongside opportunities to explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves. Children are encouraged to be confident and independent, and every effort is made to develop their self-esteem and learning through play.

The programme of activities is developed following children’s interests, to allow children to build on their natural curiosity, develop their language and mathematical thinking, use their imagination and develop positive social relationships. The setting recognises and takes into account the differing ages, interests, backgrounds and abilities of the children. At all times, the setting will recognise a child’s individuality, effort and achievement.

Wherever appropriate, children will be involved in the process of planning activities so that the programme reflects their opinions, and so that children feel some ownership over their setting. Such processes will be governed by the procedures set out in the Involving and Consulting Children Policy (Policy No.9).

Children will be actively encouraged to take part in play opportunities, but will not be forced to. For those choosing not to take part there will be opportunities for free play. We aim to provide a balance between activities and a time to relax. We can achieve this by making the best possible use of the space we have and by providing appropriate supervision by staff.

In order to maintain challenging play for children and maintain their safety, staff continuously undertake risk assessments. For example before any trip is organised a formal risk assessment will be made. This will help to inform staff of the appropriate level of supervision required.

During play, staff will observe the activity and alter their supervision according to the level of risk. We aim to have over 75% of our team as trained first aiders.

Outdoor play

We actively encourage outdoor play, as well as taking the children out and about as much as possible to local parks, swimming, or further afield to the adventure playgrounds. There may be an additional charge for some of these trips, but you will have notice of this. We ask, when you register, that you fill in the consent forms, in this Parents Information Handbook Pack for all the outings and trips. We use our minibus for these trips, all drivers have passed their minibus drivers test and are always accompanied by an escorting member of staff.

Arrivals and Departures Policy

The LASC will give a warm and friendly welcome to each child on arrival and ensure that they depart safely at the end of each session.


When a child misses school due to sickness, parents are asked to call the setting to inform them that the child will not be attending the After School Setting as well. Fees will not be returned when a child misses the setting due to sickness.

Dropping Off and Collecting

For breakfast or holiday club parents or carers must come into the building with their child(ren). This gives staff an opportunity to find out how the child has been, if there are any messages for the parents etc. Parents and carers must sign the daily register. Children attending Bilston Primary School are picked up by minibus/car and taken to Roslin ASC. Children attending Paradykes, St Margaret’s, Loanhead and Roslin, St Matthews and Rosewell are escorted to school.

After school our procedures are:

Paradykes: Primary 1 and 2 children are escorted across from school by staff. Primary 3-7 children and above make their own way to the Loanhead Centre

St Margaret’s and Loanhead: All children are escorted from the school by staff

Roslin : All children are escorted from school by staff

Rosewell: All children are escorted from St Mathews and Rosewell schools by staff

Bilston : Are collected by mini bus or car

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