There are two categories of 1140 hours funding for children in Scotland:
Good Time to be 2 (G2B2)
This is provided to families of two-year-olds who meet the eligibility criteria of
Midlothian Council. More information is available on Midlothian Council
A Good Time To Be 2 | Your early learning and childcare options | Midlothian Council
If you are eligible, Midlothian Council will contact us directly with your
details so that we can discuss availability and arrange settling in sessions for
3- and 4-year-old
All children are entitled to this funding. Generally, 1 month and 1 day
after their 3rd birthday. There are some months when funding is delayed
– more information is available from LASC.
Children aged 3 and 4 | Your early learning and childcare options | Midlothian Council
Both types of funding can be used in the following ways:
Term time only
Funding is only provided during Midlothian School term time – no funding is provided on any holiday or in service dates. Families can book ‘holiday’ sessions which they pay for themselves.
30 hours funding is provided each week (unless there are any holiday or in service days). Term time dates can be found on the Midlothian website:
2022/23 | School term dates and holidays | Midlothian Council
Full year
Funding is provided throughout the year, regardless of term time dates. To calculate how many hours should be provided per week we need to notify Midlothian Council of the dates when we are closed at Christmas. For the 2022/2023 academic year the full year funding is 22hours and 50 minutes every week.
Funding can be used in various ways – and should be discussed with the Nursery Manager as it is vital that they have checked availability for each child prior to us offering the funded place. It may be that, due to numbers already attending, we can only offer restricted options.
In order for us to claim the full funding amount (30 or 23 hrs per week) the child must be attending for a minimum of these hours.
Some families may choose not to use all of their funding with us – in which case we only claim for what they use with LASC.
The funding follows the child and so families are entitled to split funding e.g. attending a local authority part time and using remaining hours with LASC.
We try to offer flexibility – within the restrictions of our available sessions.
As funding is provided in the 2-year room (Caterpillar or Grasshopper) then it must consist of full and half day sessions.
If the funding is term time (30 hours per week)
- This is generally provided as 3 full days (8am – 6pm) = 3 x 10 hours.
It may be that we provide a mixture of full and half days.
If the funding is full year (currently 22 hours 50 minutes per week)
We book the sessions you need, in combination of full and half days, and the funded hours are deducted at source and so you pay the remainder.
e.g if you ask for your child to attend for 2 full days and one morning (25 hours) you will pay for 2 hours and 10 minutes of care each week.
3- and 4-year-old funding
Term time
This can be provided in 2 ways (as long as the Nursery Manager has availability).
- Children can use Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm (6 hours per day).
Families can top up with breakfast (from 8am to 9am or 7am to 9am) and can also add a 3pm – 6pm session.
- Children can use 3 full days (8am – 6pm).
Full Year
We book the sessions you require (having first checked availability with the Nursery Manager). 22 hours and 50 minutes funding is applied at source and you pay for the remainder of the time in nursery.
Sessions available are as follows:
Term time
7am- 8am, 8am – 9am, 9am – 3pm, 3pm – 6pm
These sessions allow us to deliver the curriculum during the core hours of 9am – 3pm and also to offer wraparound care for children outwith these times.
Full year
8am- 1pm, 1pm – 6pm or 8am – 6pm.
These sessions allow us to provide a ‘holiday club’ environment for the children where we can offer longer trips and activities.
If you would like any further information regarding 1140 hours funding please contact us on 0131 448 0103 (option 1) or by email