
The Scottish Out of School Care Network
A Scottish Charity (SC200662) supporting school-aged play, care and learning. We promote, support and develop good quality, sustainable out of school care.

Loanhead Community Learning Centre
LCLC is a Voluntary Organisation supporting the Community of Loanhead and surrounding areas, providing a range of service from Youth Clubs, Community Cafe, Sure Start, dance classes etc.

Midlothian Voluntary Action
Midlothian’s Council of Voluntary Service, providing support to voluntary groups throughout Midlothian.

Midlothian Association of Play
Midlothian Association of Play (MAP) provide a support service for all playgroups in Midlothian.

Midlothian Child Care and Early Years Partnership
Midlothian Childcare and Early Years Partnership promotes the development of high quality, affordable and accessible early education and childcare opportunities in Midlothian in line with parental demand.

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